

2023-08-23 13:03:01英语作文打开翻译

英语作文:合理消费 篇一

Each of us is a consumer, but do we have reasonable consumption?

With the question of reasonable consumption, I interviewed my family. Grandma always buys vegetables at more than 5 p.m. "There are only a few vegetables left. It will not be easy to sell the next day. The vegetable seller will sell them cheaply. No wonder Grandma always buys cheaper vegetables than Mom.

My mother likes shopping. Sometimes she goes home empty handed after a long day of shopping. Sometimes it's spring, but she wears summer clothes. " Empty hands are not without gains. I can learn a lot about daily behaviors when I walk around. After a season, many fine clothes will be cheap and suitable for me. So I bought them for next year, my mother said proudly.

Cousin likes shopping online, and his review materials are bought online. Books online are cheap, and there is a lot of information online. More happily, it was delivered directly, saving time.

Haha, it seems that our family is making reasonable consumption, so have you made reasonable consumption?

英语作文:合理消费 篇二

I like to make purchase, since I start to shop online, I will buy things once I like, I just can't control my desire. As for my mother, she is not like me, she barely goes shopping, she buys clothes once a year. I think my mother is over thrifty, she thinks me waste a lot of money. We have different views of consumption, both of us don't make the reasonable consumption.

For the old generation, they have experienced war and hunger, so they cherish what they have and are very easy to be satisfied with the things they have, they won't spend the money to have fun, because they think it is wasteful. In my opinion, we are in the modern society, we have lived the better life and should learn to enjoy the moment. There is no need to save all the money and do nothing.

For the young people, they like to spend tomorrow's money, they don't save the money because they spend all their salary, they like to go shopping and buy what they want. It is not right to spend all the money, we need to save part of it just in case of the emergent situation.

英语作文:合理消费 篇三

Students, do you know what it means to be a rational small consumer?

We should be a rational small consumer and save money. Don't buy junk food. After eating, your stomach hurts. If you have bought junk food, will you dare? So we should not buy things that are harmful to our health. We also don't want to buy things that are useless or that we have at home. Don't see a beautiful thing. You need it and pester your parents to buy it. If you really want it, you can tell your parents that you can buy it if they agree. If Mom and Dad don't agree, don't keep pestering Mom and Dad to buy.

We need to buy things that are useful to us, such as "school supplies, clothes, shoes, etc." Mom and Dad won't object to your buying these things. If your requirements are not high, your parents will let you buy,.

Boys and girls, remember that we should buy useful things.

Now you know how to be a rational small consumer.

英语作文:合理消费 篇四

As a consumer, we should consume rationally. Under the condition that the price of goods is fixed, goods with good quality are often more popular with consumers. When the quality is comparable, people usually choose the cheaper one. The so-called good quality and low price is the most ideal.

Once, I saw a beautiful white coat on Taobao. The price was very cheap. When I bought it, as expected, I felt very good. It was loose and comfortable, and it was cheap. Later, when I wanted to buy another one, I was surprised to find that its price had risen, and a lot. It may be because it was just listed when I bought it last time. In order to attract consumers' attention, the seller sold it at a low price, and the service attitude was also very good. However, when he found that many people liked his goods, he raised the price.

In reality, many businesses are like this. They first win the favor of consumers with high quality and low price, and then constantly raise the price to win higher profits. And good quality goods will always be popular. Good products can let people buy at ease and use comfortably.

As a consumer, we should consume rationally, not compare with each other, and consume in a planned way. In this way, we can make the goods better serve our life and better experience the joy brought by reasonable shopping.

英语作文:合理消费 篇五

Since I have done the summer vacation internship, I learned that money is not easy to earn. I felt so shameful to waste food. Reasonable consumption is advocated by the young generation. For the old generation, they advocate to save money. Take my parents for example, they save every cent they can. When they talk about traveling, they will hesitate and finally give up because of money. But for me, I think reasonable consumption not only including the basic needs, but also the amusement. Life is short. We should enjoy every moment and see different people and beautiful scenery. Most people have the plan to save money, but if they take out small part, life can be much easier and happier. The value of money lies in the happiness it brings, or it is just a sheet of paper.

英语作文:合理消费 篇六

Recently, the issue whether to consume is to love our country has been brought into our focus. Some people suppose that to consume can advance Chinese economy. However, others hold an opposite idea.Those who are in favor of the opinion that it is right to consume suggest consumption can contribute a lot to the economy and society, such as offering more jobs to people. Now, China's economy goes up by 8% on average every year because of the development of consumer culture.Admittedly, those who are against the argument claim that it is a costly hobby to consume, leading to waste of material and money. For example, the weight of the waste material has reached 2 billon tons since 2000 all over the world. Owing to that, our natural environment will become even worse than that nowadays.All in all, it is difficult to say whether to consume is to love our country or not. However I think we had better spend our money on the things which are necessary.

英语作文:合理消费 篇七

Over the years, the country's economy has developed and people's living standards have improved significantly. In the past, when we talked about washing machines, refrigerators, microwave ovens, large color televisions and other household appliances at home, it was very difficult to go. Now it seems that this situation is not uncommon, it is very common.

Nowadays, some students talk about the brand, configuration and games of their home computers in school, and they also share various novel digital products such as PSP, MP4 and iPhone.

Hesitate that some students are well off, and their parents have given them a lot of pocket money, which they usually use wantonly. There are such students in our class. Their parents give them hundreds of yuan every week. They buy food and drink at school. They also hook up with students to eat in restaurants outside the school. It is said that they spend hundreds of yuan at a time. On the contrary, some students from poor families did not spend so much. A classmate Liang is a poor student in his class. He only asks his family for tens of yuan of pocket money every month, which is only more than 1 yuan a day on average. However, he uses the little money he has to buy stationery, which makes him very thrifty.

During the communication with Liang, I received a lot of inspiration. He taught rational consumption. When you see many expensive goods, you must first understand whether they are useful to you. If they are not useful, you will not buy them.

Ah! Diligence and thrift is a good tradition. Rational consumption starts with me!

英语作文:合理消费 篇八

Consumption is necessary. It promotes the economy. Consumption brings happiness for some people while it brings annoyance for other people, because they think it wastes the money. There are different viewpoints about consumption between the old and young generation. But I think reasonable consumption is the best.

For the old generation, they are very frugal about everything, even the money. They believe that money is used for solving basic needs, and the rest of it should be saved. While for the young generation, they are more likely to use money to find fun. They like to go to the entertainment occasions, such as KTV, or go to barbecue with friends.

The different ways of consumption are influenced by the living situation. The old generation has gone through the hard time, so they don't have much pursuit for the entertainment, while the young are in the opposited way. Money should be used to improve life standard, or it will lose its meaning. In my opinion, some part of the money is needed to pay for amusement and social communication.





英语作文:合理消费 篇九

Summer is coming. The students like me. They like to eat ice cubes, popsicles, and drink soda to quench their thirst. I bought a fake and ate it badly.

After school on Wednesday, I went to the shop at the school gate with some friends. I was very thirsty because of my PE class, so I bought an ice cream (popsicle) that I had never seen before.

We talked and laughed all the way, talking and eating at the same time. The first bite, ah, cool, really thirst quenching! I quickly ate all the ice cream.

When we got home, I waved goodbye to my little partner and walked upstairs. I took out the key, opened the door, put down my schoolbag, and just started to do my homework. Suddenly, my stomach ached.

Soon, my mother came back and asked me what was wrong when she saw my head was sweating. I didn't want to bluff, but my mother broke the casserole and asked the truth, so I had to tell the whole story.

But my mother became nervous at once. When I saw it, I thought I had an incurable disease and asked her, "What's wrong with me?" My mother said calmly, "If you eat something bad, you will have a stomachache."

A few days later, I was subjected to the most cruel "criminal law" in the world. I kept vomiting and couldn't eat food when I saw it. How painful!

A few days later, I checked the information on the Internet and found that these cheap, colorful, sweet and cool things were made by mixing raw water with saccharin and pigment. The raw water is not treated with high temperature and disinfection, and harmful bacteria still exist. Both it and the pigment cause harm to the human body.

Students, life is only once, but once lost, it will pass forever. Only by choosing healthy and safe food and ensuring health, can we thrive and be a useful person to the society! Learn to manage money, consume reasonably, and strive to be healthy you, me and him!

英语作文:合理消费 篇十

As the New Year approaches, families are busy preparing new clothes and shoes. Mom found a pair of "Thomas" brand shoes on Taobao. The money was remitted, and the shoes were also sent. When the package was opened, it was found that it was not "Thomas" brand, and the color was not the same as that in the picture. Mother was furious: "I spent hundreds of yuan, but I bought pirated goods. It's really annoying! I want the seller to lose money." However, the seller reneged on the payment and said that the goods he had delivered were correct and he would not pay any compensation. For this reason, my mother gave a bad comment. The seller saw it and immediately changed his attitude. "Di Di Di" A few lines of big characters flashed on the screen: Dear, can you change the bad comments? I promise to compensate you after the change. At this time, my mother seemed to be excited and agreed to the seller. But who ever thought that this was another scam: the merchants didn't lose money at all. This time online shopping made my mother angry and helpless, and vowed that she would never trade online again. Moreover, when she saw a story on the news that a consumer bought fake products, she would feel the same way and taught me to be cautious when shopping, and must identify the authenticity to ensure that I was not deceived. Especially when it comes to buying food, we should guard against it. Those "junk food" should not be bought. Here, I summarize the following points: First, we should be scientific To consume rationally, the so-called "scientific rationality" is to appropriately purchase safe green food and things with safety signs. II Don't believe the seller's nonsense. What you see with your eyes is true. It is the so-called "hearing is believing, seeing is believing."
